
Friday, April 18, 2014

What is the Largest Organ of Elimination? (Clue: it’s not the colon)

The Largest Organ of Elimination Is The Liver! 
A common misconception of detoxing is that the colon is the most important organ to “cleanse” and the only one that matters. Did you know that your skin is actually your largest organ of elimination? Your skin is an indicator of your health and level of toxicity and can reflect our diet and lifestyle choices: it's the mirror to internal health. Clear, radiant skin can be a sign of healthiness and a toxin-free body. Blemished, sallow skin, on the other hand, can signify harmful toxins being ingested or not properly detoxed (eliminated) from the body. You may also experience hives, eczema, very dry or oily skin, dark eye circles, puffy eyes or rashes if your dermal system is not working properly.

5 Main Detoxification Systems in the Body 

  1. Respiratory - lungs, throat, sinuses, nose - If you frequently cough or wheeze or experience shallow breathing and nasal congestion, your respiratory system may have high toxin levels. 
  2. Gastrointestinal - liver, gallbladder, gut - Signs of a toxic digestive system can include indigestion, heartburn, bad breath, constipation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, protruding abdomen. 
  3. Urinary - kidneys, bladder, urethra - Kidney stones, fluid-retention and dark-colored urine mean a highly toxic urinary system. 
  4. Skin - sweat and sebaceous glands, tears - You may also experience hives, eczema, very dry or oily skin, dark eye circles, puffy eyes or rashes if your dermal system is not working properly. 
  5. Lymphatic - lymph channels, lymph nodes - You can suffer from sore or swollen lymph nodes if your lymphatic system is not working well. 

All of these systems must be functioning optimally to be able to clear the body of unwanted and harmful substances and eliminate toxins and wastes. When toxins cannot be eliminated efficiently, the body will also store them in fat cells, joints, muscles, arteries, liver and other organs.

The Important Role the Liver Plays in Detoxing 
All the blood in the body will eventually pass through the liver. This is important because the liver needs to filter the blood and pull out the toxins, and remove them from the body. Some of these toxins are drugs, like antibiotics and over-the-counter pain medications, and other toxins are things that the body no longer needs, like damaged cells, proteins and old hormones. The liver prepares all these toxins to be removed from the body. However, when the liver is damaged, these toxins can't be removed and they start to accumulate creating problems.

Common symptoms due to poor liver function are:  

  • Poor digestion, abdominal bloating, nausea especially after fatty foods, weight gain around the abdomen and constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome, associated with abdominal swelling and flatulence, is often due to a sluggish liver. If you wake up in the morning with bad breath and/or a coated tongue, your liver definitely needs help. 
  • Unpleasant mood changes, depression, `foggy brain' and impaired concentration and memory. If the liver is sluggish, excessive amounts of toxic metabolites find their way into the blood stream and can affect the function of the brain. 
  • Allergic conditions such as hay fever, hives, skin rashes and asthma. 
  • Headaches. Unfortunately, pain killers can cause further stress on the liver as the liver is the organ that breaks down all drugs. 
  • High blood pressure and/or fluid retention. 

This month's featured product, Metal Detox 

In Health,
The Naturally Botanicals Team

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