
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don't Overlook This Powerful System When Detoxing | What is it?

You Need to Include The Lymph System When Detoxing
Most cleanses focus on the colon and liver. However, another very important system in the body which has many repercussions if not addressed, especially to your immune system, is the lymph system. Sinusitis, allergies, swollen nodes, overweight, cellulite and frequent infections are just some of the signs that a lymph detox can be of benefit.

A network of tubes and organs, the lymph system takes waste products away from the cells and also carries nutrients to them. It acts as a transport and filter system and includes the lymph nodes, the bone marrow, tonsils, appendix, spleen, thymus gland. It produces the cells of your immune system which circulate around your body in the lymph fluid. Working as a filter, it removes bacteria, micro-organisms and dead cells. It has no pump like the heart and the circulation of the 6-10 liters of fluid within the lymph system depends on muscle movement and breathing. The lymph fluid can become thickened and clogged up with toxins if we don’t drink enough fluid or exercise to keep it moving. Our ability to overcome illness and boost our immune system can be optimized by doing a lymph detox and this system is often overlooked in favor of the colon and the liver, but is equally as important.

Whatever detoxification route you take, the main point to remember is that detoxifying the body is not something to be done occasionally, but something to be done on a regular basis. There is a lot to gain from detoxifying your body and absolutely nothing to lose. It is also easy and affordable to do so; making it an absolute must. 

An herbal Lymph Detox formula specifically designed to cleanse and fortify the lymph system is a great to way to help this important system naturally detox and eliminate unnecessary waste. You can also support your body during a Lymph Detox by increasing your exercise levels, if necessary, drinking more water and also including additional breathing exercises. Of course increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially raw and organic is also helpful. A healthy vegetable diet is very supportive to the body while using any detox program and also in between cleanses. Raw fruits, vegetables and leafy greens are well known for their pH balancing and detoxifying properties. The nutritional components found in raw fruits and vegetables promote optimal cellular functions, which supports the body in eliminating toxins. Adding freshly made vegetable juices will also support the body in removing these unwanted wastes. Eating a diet with a focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and organic preferred, is a great way to reduce toxic-cell overload. 

In conjunction with a fabulously health diet, drinking more water, exercising, and additional breathing exercises, you may consider using a specific herbal Lymph Detox product to naturally assist with the detox process. Also, most healthcare professionals recommended a whole body herbal detox program (which includes Lymph Detox) at least once or maybe twice a year.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team

Monday, April 23, 2012

5 Signs That Your Liver Needs a Detox

The Liver Plays an Important Role in Detoxing
Did you know that all the blood in the body will eventually pass through the liver? Well, it's true. This is important because the liver needs to filter the blood and pull out the toxins and remove them from the body. 

Some of these toxins are drugs, like antibiotics and over-the-counter pain medications, along with other toxins that the body no longer needs, like damaged cells, proteins and old hormones. Toxins can also be accumulated in the body from simple unsuspecting things in our lives, like the food we eat, the air we breathe, and of course, a well known liver toxicant is alcohol. The liver prepares all these toxins to be removed from the body. However, when the liver is damaged, impaired or overworked, these toxins can't be removed and they start to accumulate creating problems.

Common symptoms due to poor liver function are:
  • Poor digestion, abdominal bloating, nausea especially after fatty foods, weight gain around the abdomen and constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome, associated with abdominal swelling and flatulence, is often due to a sluggish liver. Waking up in the morning with bad breath and/or a coated tongue, your liver definitely needs help.
  • Unpleasant mood changes, depression, `foggy brain' and impaired concentration and memory. If the liver is sluggish, excessive amounts of toxic metabolites find their way into the blood stream and can affect the function of the brain.
  • Allergic conditions such as hay fever, hives, skin rashes and asthma.
  • Headaches. Unfortunately, pain killers can cause further stress on the liver as the liver is the organ that breaks down all drugs.
  • High blood pressure and/or fluid retention.
Target the liver with an herbal Liver Detox formula specifically designed to cleanse and tonify your liver. You can also support your body during a Liver Detox by increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially raw and organic. A healthy vegetable diet is very supportive to the body while using any detox program and also in between cleanses. Raw fruits, vegetables and leafy greens are well known for their pH balancing and detoxifying properties. The nutritional components found in raw fruits and vegetables promote optimal cellular functions, which supports the body in eliminating toxins. Adding freshly made vegetable juices will also support the body in removing these unwanted wastes. Eating a diet with a focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and organic preferred, is a great way to reduce toxic-cell overload. However, in conjunction with a fabulously health diet, you may consider using a specific herbal Liver Detox product. Also, most healthcare professionals recommended a whole body herbal detox program at least once or maybe twice a year.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What is the Largest Organ of Elimination? (Hint: it’s not the colon)

So, what is the largest organ of elimination? A common misconception of detoxing is that the colon is the most important organ to “cleanse” and the only one that matters. Did you know that your skin is actually your largest organ of elimination

Your skin is an indicator of your health and level of toxicity and can reflect our diet and lifestyle choices: it's the mirror to internal health. Clear, radiant skin can be a sign of healthiness and a toxin-free body. Blemished, sallow skin, on the other hand, can signify harmful toxins being ingested or not being properly eliminated from the body. 

You may also experience hives, eczema, very dry or oily skin, dark eye circles, puffy eyes or rashes if your dermal system is not working properly.

5 Main Detoxification Systems in the Body
         1.   Respiratory - lungs, throat, sinuses, nose
If you frequently cough or wheeze or experience shallow breathing and nasal congestion, your respiratory system may have high toxin levels.
         2.   Gastrointestinal - liver, gallbladder, gut
Signs of a toxic digestive system can include indigestion, heartburn, bad breath, constipation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, protruding abdomen.
         3.  Urinary - kidneys, bladder, urethra
Kidney stones, fluid-retention and dark-colored urine mean a highly toxic urinary system.
         4.  Skin - sweat and sebaceous glands, tears
You may also experience hives, eczema, very dry or oily skin, dark eye circles, puffy eyes or rashes if your dermal system is not working properly.
         5.  Lymphatic - lymph channels, lymph nodes
You can suffer from sore or swollen lymph nodes if your lymphatic system is not working well.

All of these systems must be functioning optimally to be able to clear the body of unwanted and harmful substances and eliminate toxins and wastes. When toxins cannot be eliminated efficiently, the body will also store them in fat cells, joints, muscles, arteries, liver and other organs.  Over time, these stored, unreleased toxins lead to tissue and cell damage which in turn makes the body more vulnerable to disease and illness.

While whole body herbal detox programs are the most common method of detoxing and cleansing the body, it is also helpful to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially raw and organic. A healthy vegetable diet is very supportive to the body while using a detox program and also in between. Raw fruits, vegetables and leafy greens are well known for their pH balancing and detoxifying properties. The nutritional components found in raw fruits and vegetables promote optimal cellular functions, which supports the body in eliminating toxins. Adding freshly made vegetable juices will also support the body in removing these unwanted wastes. Eating a diet with a focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and organic preferred, is a great way to reduce toxic-cell overload. However, in conjunction with a fabulously health diet, a whole body herbal detox program is still recommended at least once or maybe twice a year.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals, Inc. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

5 Benefits of Detoxing

Are you feeling a little clogged up, a little sluggish?
Well, check out these five benefits of detoxing and cleansing...
  • Improved energy (feel better)
  • Improved digestion
  • Regular bowel movements
  • Increased memory and clarity
  • Clearer skin

Besides the fact that detoxifying your body can help you avoid health problems, there are also a variety of other benefits detoxing can have on your body. It has been advocated by many medical specialists that detoxifying your body will improve your levels of physical fitness and promote youthfulness. Participating in a regular detox program will also improve the appearance of your skin and give you more energy and vitality.

Detox is a useful tool in losing weight because fat stores toxins, therefore when losing weight (as the fat cells break down) the body is exposed to more toxins. These excess toxins can inhibit weight loss, so detoxing can help improve the body’s ability to shed the weight while also making you feel better inside and out.

While whole body herbal detox programs are the most common method of detoxing and cleansing the body, it is also helpful to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially raw and organic. A healthy vegetable diet is very supportive to the body while using a detox program and also in between. Raw fruits, vegetables and leafy greens are well known for their pH balancing and detoxifying properties. The nutritional components found in raw fruits and vegetables promote optimal cellular functions, which supports the body in eliminating toxins. Adding freshly made vegetable juices will also support the body in removing these unwanted wastes. Eating a diet with a focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and organic preferred, is a great way to reduce toxic-cell overload. However, in conjunction with a fabulously health diet, a whole body herbal detox program is still recommended at least once or maybe twice a year.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals, Inc.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Most Common Signs that You Need to Cleanse & Detox

Most Common Signs that You Need to Cleanse and Detox
With an accumulation of wastes, functions in the body are slowed. When toxins cannot be eliminated efficiently, the body must store them in fat cells, joints, muscles, arteries, liver and other organs. This build up of stored toxins then affects the body's ability to function correctly.  When to body's ability to function is impaired the early signs and symptoms of chronic or degenerative disease begin to show up.
Here's a list of common signs that a detox may be indicated:
  • Allergy or intolerance to certain foods
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • Breast soreness
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Foul-smelling gas (belching and flatulence)
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent chest and nasal congestion (colds, flu, viruses)
  • Indigestion
  • Intolerance to fatty foods
  • Low energy or loss of vitality for no apparent reason
  • Migratory aches and pains
  • Sluggish or irregular bowel movements
  • Swelling of legs
  • Vaginal infections
  • Skin problems-rashes, boils, pimples, acne
While whole body herbal detox programs are the most common method of detoxing and cleansing the body, it is also helpful to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially raw and organic. A healthy vegetable diet is very supportive to the body while using a detox program and also in between. Raw fruits, vegetables and leafy greens are well known for their pH balancing and detoxifying properties. The nutritional components found in raw fruits and vegetables promote optimal cellular functions, which supports the body in eliminating toxins. Adding freshly made vegetable juices will also support the body in removing these unwanted wastes. Eating a diet with a focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and organic preferred, is a great way to reduce toxic-cell overload. However, in conjunction with a fabulously health diet, a whole body herbal detox program is still recommended at least once or maybe twice a year.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals, Inc.

Friday, April 6, 2012

What is Detox and What are You Detoxing?

What is Detoxification?
Simply put, it is the safe and gentle removal or elimination of toxic substances or waste matter from the body using diet or herbal supplements, or a combination of both.  The most common method for detoxing is the use of herbal supplements.

What are the two Types of Toxins?
“Toxins” is a general term for any type of built up waste – the gunk that is left over after your body has broken down food, drink, alcohol, smoke, the air we breathe and thousands of other substances our body’s consume and comes in contact with daily. Toxins can be divided into two categories - Internal or endogenous, and external or exogenous toxins.

What are internal toxins?
Internal toxins are the wastes that are created inside of the body during the course of normal daily functions. These toxins are the bi-products of these normal daily functions and occur during biochemical, metabolic and cellular processes; and they require elimination. A common and well known example is free radicals, which cause oxidation damage to every cell in the body, and have been linked to degenerative diseases. Even our thoughts, emotions and stress can also create biochemical toxins in our body.

Internal toxins are part of our body’s normal processes; others are only produced when we are sick. 
Internal toxins include:
  • Organisms living inside our bodies- bacteria, worms, fungi, parasites, yeast, etc.
  • Disease- many disease organisms produce waste material in the body’s tissues, which can produce of prolong disease.
  • Normal digestion and food breakdown – the body will produces toxins in the course of normal digestion and will produce more toxins when low nutrient foods are consumed.
  • Negative thought patterns and stress –can cause chemical changes in the body, increase the body’s storage of toxins, and increase the damage that toxins cause.
What are external toxins?
External toxins are any toxic substances that come directly from outside our body. Common examples include substances like pesticides found in our food sources, pollution in the air and water, medications, recreational drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. The body has to work hard to deal with all of these exogenous toxins.

External toxins are part of our everyday lives. They are the substances we eat, drink, breathe and have contact with our skin.  External toxins include:
  • Herbicides, pesticides and insecticides (often found in food)
  • Food additives such as preservatives and colorings
  • Polluted water
  • Air pollution and smog
  • Pharmaceutical medicines – taken orally or topically
  • Pollution, household/industrial chemicals (including makeup, shampoo, etc.)
Left unchecked, toxins build up in the body creating cell damage which eventually leads to poor health and illness. This is why many leading health professionals are strong proponents and advocates for regular detox programs, to keep the body in tip top operating shape and ultimately reducing the risk of degenerative disease and illness.  

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team

Monday, April 2, 2012

5 Reasons Why You Need To Detoxify Your Body

It's a new month with a new topic.  We will be posting all month on why detoxing is "good housekeeping" for your body. Let's start here.

5 Reasons Why You Need To Detoxify Your Body

With the process of everyday life, the body undergoes a lot of wear and tear both inside and outside. So it is important to ensure that the body is well taken care of in order to compensate for this demand.
  1. Promote Health - Just like a car engine which needs to be serviced and have its oil removed and changed, the body also has to be detoxified in order for it to function properly and to promote general health and well being.
  2. Food - During the course of our lives we ingest a variety of foods, some of which are healthy and some of which are not so healthy. The fact is that not all this food is successfully absorbed by the body as nutrients and not all of it is discharged out of the body as waste products, there are always remnants and these remnants become toxins that are left in the bowel and colon of the body. Over a long period of time, this can have some adverse effects on the body if these toxins are not removed.
  3. Lifestyle - Detoxifying the body becomes even more important if you indulge in things such as cigarettes, junk food, coffee and alcoholic beverages. These things make it even more difficult for the natural detoxifying mechanism of the body to work and it makes it even more important for you to take steps to rid yourself of the toxins that are being accumulated in your body.
  4. pH Balance - A lot of the foods most people eat on a daily basis have a very high acidic content. This can have a negative effect on the body if this acidity is allowed to accumulate in the body without being removed at some point. It is necessary for the body's alkaline PH balance to be restored in order to aid the renewal and repair of cells and to promote general well being and a short detox program can do this for you. It is not only important to detoxify the body, it is necessary to do so as regularly as possible in order to maximize the benefits that are obtained from doing so.
  5. Whole Body Approach - Purifying and keeping your body clean through detoxification is the best way to avoid colon diseases, as well as maintaining a healthy bloodstream and heart. The important thing to remember about toxins is the fact that they are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to other parts of the body and can lead to a variety of health issues because the body's immunity against disease is weakened by the presence of toxins and waste. So, a detox program is highly essential in order to aid the body's ability to fight off disease.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team