
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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The Oiling of America | Good Fats vs Bad Fats & Cholesterol

A Repost from the ANH Europe Team

Doesn’t it seem odd that many of the fats predominant in a traditional or even hunter-gatherer diet are now touted by conventional medicine and dietetics as unhealthy?  Naturally-occurring, stable, saturated fats from animals and some plants, that we've evolved with for hundreds of thousands of years, now come with a health warning.  But new-to-nature, highly processed, easily oxidised polyunsaturated vegetable oils that have been part of the human food supply for a fraction of that time are touted as the holy grail of fats.  These modern, refined, chemically extracted and heat-treated oils were unavailable to our ancestors and when you read on you'll realise that nature knows what it's doing and it's not the animal fats that should be carrying the health warning.
Refined vegetable oil

Animal fat – friend or foe?
Cholesterol, demonised over the last two decades and widely viewed as the smoking gun of chronic disease has turned up the fear factor on simple, healthy foods like eggs and animal fats.  It's no secret that the drug industry has profited massively from the sale of statins to lower our 'dangerously high' cholesterol, but without making much of dent in chronic disease rates, which continue to spiral out of control whether your cholesterol is low or not.  The so-called cholesterol/lipid hypothesisproposed by Dr Ancel Keys has now been thoroughly debunked scientifically, yet mainstream medicine and the food industry carry on as if nothing has changed. 

Put simply, cholesterol is your friend.  It's a key component of every cell membrane in the body, is the precursor for all your steroid hormones and is the main energy powerhouse for your immune system.  It's so important that your body makes the stuff! And the rest (around 25%) comes from animal food sources e.g. saturated fat and eggs. 

It's common knowledge that our ancestral diets contained high amounts of animal fats and fish oils (omega 3 fats), but very little vegetable fat (omega 6 fats).  These ratios remain in the diets of those few indigenous populations today who have yet to be impacted by the industrial food revolution.  Chronic diseases so prevalent in the West, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and obesity are rarely seen in these indigenous populations, such as the Inuit, who are still eating high amounts of saturated animal fats and very little vegetable fat. 

Emerging science now demonstrates that even when we're eating omega 3 fats, if we have too many omega 6 fats in our diet, the body will prioritise the omega 6 pathway and make even more.  This is not how nature intended it.  We evolved with a fat intake of around 1:1 omega 3 to omega 6, but today it's more like 1:20!  The gross lack of omega 3 fats creates huge problems for us in terms of inflammation, brain and neurological function, let alone cell membranes and our immune systems. In extremely simplified, crude terms; the omega 6 pathway is pro-inflammatory and the omega 3 pathway, anti-inflammatory. 

Vegetable oils - terminology 101
Vegetable oils are basically fats extracted from plant material, usually fruits (olive; coconut; palm; soy), seeds (rapeseed; grapeseed; pumpkin; sunflower) or legumes/nuts (peanut; macadamia; walnut) that are liquid at room temperature.  You often see these oils referred to as polyunsaturatedor monounsaturated fatty acids, with the latter being attributed as more healthy e.g. olive oil.  But why? 

Coconut oil, an extremely stable oil choice for cooking

Without delving too deeply into complex fatty acid science, it's all about the vulnerability an oil has to oxidation through free radical damage because of the number of unbound carbon atoms in the fat's 'backbone'.  A monounsaturated fat is more stable because there is less carbon available for free radical damage than a polyunsaturated oil that has many.  One of the main ways in which oils are damaged by free radicals is through light and heat.  Once they've been oxidised, it means that they turn rancid, which you can immediately taste and is an indication that the oil is going to do more harm than good in your body.

In contrast to saturated animal fat that is solid at room temperature, mono and polyunsaturated fat is liquid – so where does hydrogenated fat fit in and what is it?  Hydrogenation describes the process developed in the late 1800's to make artificial fat through adding hydrogen to vegetable oil in order to make it solid e.g. margarine.  Whilst it's easier for the food companies to use and cheaper than animal fat, don't be fooled by the 'better for you label' slapped all over hydrogenated fats — it's actually one of the most unhealthy so-called foods you can put in your body!  Whether an oil is partially or fully hydrogenated, you can be sure of one thing; it's full of harmful trans fats that negatively affect your body’s fat-handling and alters your natural cholesterol ratio for the worse. 
Hydrogenated fat - margarine, far too prevalent in the modern day diet

The rise of refined vegetable oils
The production of vegetable crops for oil production has burgeoned rapidly in the West over the last few decades.  Seed and nut crops such as sunflower, safflower, peanut, cottonseed and grapeseed are a common sight on land subjected to monoculture.  And lately, more worryingly, the advent ofGM varieties of soy, corn and canola.  But what does 'refining' actually mean?  The following is a brief introduction that illustrates what goes on before you see that bottle of yellow oil sitting on the supermarket shelf:

  1. Pressing – crushing the seeds, heating to a high temperature (which damages the fat) and pressing, then bathing them in a hexane bath or other solvents made from crude petroleum. Once the oil is separated from the seed residue, phosphate is added.
  2. Neutralisation, bleaching and deoderisation – given the damage done to the oil in step one from the high heat, the oxidised (rancid) oil now needs bleaching to get rid of the odour and bad colour.  Once this has been done, it's then subjected to extremely high temperatures, way beyond the smoke points of the oils, to remove the final residues of substances causing the poor colour, taste or odour.  This final stage of 'deodorisation' is extremely damaging to the delicate polyunsaturated fatty acids and causes extreme oxidation through free radical damage.  The oil is now completely unrecognisable as a food substance to our DNA.
  3. The final yellow, purified and refined vegetable oil that you buy from the supermarket is oxidised and weakened from the processing it's been through and vulnerable to further free radical damage through heating when you cook with it.

Safe vegetable oils?
As we've established, refined polyunsaturated oils are highly unstable.  As soon as you heat or hydrogenate them they change from their natural ‘cis’ (isomeric) form to an unnatural ‘trans’ form.  And trans fats then promote inflammation in tissues and arteries, and — in the absence of diets rich in natural antioxidants from a variety of plant sources  — may even promote cell mutations. 
Olive oil, enjoy the extra virgin, cold-pressed variety

In contrast, cold pressing vegetable oils to extract the oil produces a very different product.  Here the seeds, fruit or nuts are pressed or ground and whilst there is heat produced by the friction, it must not go above 49oC (120oF) to be labelled cold pressed.  Cold pressed oils retain their natural flavour, smell and nutritional value, but with the exception of monounsaturated olive, macadamia and avocado oils and saturated coconut oil, they are still a very potent source of omega 6 fatty acids – to which we are over-exposed in modern life. 

Maintaining healthy fat handling in the body is as much about consuming undamaged fats as it about re-establishing a fatty acid ratio akin to the 1:1 we've evolved with. 

Leave the vegetable oils for fuel
Animal and vegetable fats were used as lamp fuels by the ancient Egyptians, and later the Greeks and Romans.  Much later, Rudolf Diesel travelled to England to source peanut oil to run his first diesel engine in 1912.  Exactly one hundred years on (yes, this year!), a Quantas Airbus 330 has made its first commercial flight on a blend of refined vegetable oil.  That says it all, in our view: let's leave the refined vegetable oils for those who wish to use them as fuels and get back to consuming fats as nature intended.

Call to Action
Avoid (in any significant quantity):
  • The following vegetable oils: Soy, canola, corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, grapeseed, peanut (a leguminous vegetable seed, not a tree nut!)  and tree nut oils.
  • Foods containing such oils, including: Margarine and butter substitutes, powdered milk substitutes and coffee creamers, snack foods, salad dressings and mayonnaise, ready meals and sauces, crisps, fries or chips, processed fatty food, cookies, pastries, cakes and biscuits, crackers.
Note that whilst flax/linseed oil is can be converted to omega 3 fats in the body, you must have abundant zinc levels in order to make the conversion, but it has a very short shelf life and is easily damaged so must not be exposed to light or heat. In addition, some people fail to make the conversion and others suffer from poor absorption.

  • Free range, preferably organic, grass-fed and game meats, eggs, and unpolluted oily fish, which are all sources of omega 3 fats.
  • Cook with virgin coconut oil which is extremely stable, even at higher cooking temperatures and use plenty of extra virgin, unrefined olive, macadamia and avocado oils on your salads.
In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Officials Predict Worse Flu Season in Years!

Flu season could be a bad one, health officials say

Video repost from Brian Williams Nightly News on NBC
The 2012 flu season got off to a slow start until the number of cases spiked last week, prompting officials at the Centers for Disease control to urge people to get their flu shots now. Currently, the highest level of flu activity has been reported by states in the South. NBC's Robert Bazell reports.

By JoNel Aleccia, NBC News

This year’s flu season has kicked in early, with activity up significantly across the nation, particularly in the south and southeast, federal health officials say.
"It looks like it's shaping up to be a bad flu season," said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The percentage of aching, feverish folks who went to the doctor with influenza-like illness had reached the national baseline of 2.2 percent, the earliest that has happened in the regular flu season in nearly a decade, the 2003-2004 season. Flu season may start as early as October, but typically peaks in January or later.

Michael Patrick / AP file
Linda Howard, 66, of Knoxville, Tenn., gets a flu shot from
nursing student Elizabeth Wallace at free flu shot clinic in October.
Five states reported high levels of flu activity -- Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. Widespread activity was reported in four states, regional activity was seen in seven states and 19 states reported local flu activity, CDC officials said. That was up from eight states that reported local flu activity the previous week.

By contrast, last year's flu season started late, with an uptick in cases not starting until February.
Health officials are urging people to get their flu shots now, including babies older than six months, and all adults and children. Every year, about a quarter of the U.S. population gets the flu and an average of about 36,000 people die.

The strains making people sick are influenza A -- both H3N2 and the 2009 H1N1 or pandemic swine flu strain -- and influenza B. So far, the vaccines manufactured for this season appear to be a good match, health officials said.

But the H3N2 virusmay typically cause more severe symptoms than the other flu bugs, noted Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University. His staff has already started seeing flu patients in Tennessee.

"We're all a bit antsy," he said.

About 120 million doses of flu vaccine are available this year, Frieden said. About 112 million people have received their flu shots so far, officials said.

The key to avoiding the flu is getting the shot, the experts emphasized. "We are particularly encouraging people who haven't gotten vaccinated to do it," said Dr. Melinda Wharton, acting director of the CDC's Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

Natural Alternatives
The best defense from the flu is strong immune system. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Fortifying your immune system naturally before your catch a cold or the flu is the best way to ensure that you have a healthy flu season. However, if you do happen to get sick there are still many natural alternatives to help you shorten the duration of the illness and get back on your feet and back into your life quicker.

Click here to check out all natural pharmaceutical-grade supplements to help you and your immune system.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team

Sunday, December 2, 2012

From "Daisy's Reviews"...her spin on the Prep Tonic Detox Pack

Repost from "Daisy's Reviews"...her spin on the Prep Tonic Detox Pack. She loved it! She want she had to say.

I had this wonderful opportunity to review Prep Tonic Detox Pack 30 Packets, 10 Days Supply and 5 Samples of Vitamins of Alive, Sinus Allergi, Mental Clarity Extra, Energi and Relaxall. The detox is a 10 day supply and for the 10 days that i had been reviewing the detox i can't express how happy i am for the first day i taken the detox i noticed that it didn't give my any reaction nor any after taste also within the first hour i was already feeling the effect of the detox i first through out gas and then straight to the bathroom it unbelievable how this detox works so fast unlike other detox that i had tried before that would take me weeks just to get effects but with Prep tonic detox it was right away that it started working, within the first day it started working i felt lighter not sluggish nor fatigue i had lots of energy before i tried Prep tonic detox pack i was always constipated and when i tried Prep tonic detox pack within the second day my bowl movements are smoother than ever i didn't have to push it out it just came out naturally smooth i really love this detox the third day my bloating that i had in my stomach was going down i was feeling more uplifted the fourth day i was like a flush i was in and out of the bathroom the detox was flushing out all the junk that i eat but the detox was detoxing my body naturally which i love it was detoxing for all the days then the last day which is the tenth day of my detox i can't express how much energy i have now, how much better i look and feel im not fatigue no more. The detox naturally detox me that now my bowl movements are coming out naturally im not pushing out im not constipated no more i truly believe in this detox pack its like no other detox that had ever used before. The 5 samples of vitamins i received works very well they each provide the vitamins that i need for during the day that i needed it the most they all don't give my stomach aches like other vitamins does the 5 samples don't even leave any after taste like other vitamins that i had tired before does.
Im very pleased to review Prep Tonic Detox Pack 30 Packets, 10 Days Supply and 5 samples of Vitamins

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I was not compensated for this product however I did receive this product to try and review all opinions are my own. (Daisy's Disclaimer)

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team

Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 All Natural Digestive Support Remedies

Support for Your Body Naturally… 

Natural Digestive Support Products 

a       LEAKY GUT 
Supports the body’s ability to repair the gastrointestinal tract, cools inflamed tissue and promotes the tissue-repair process. Unhealthy tissues allow for food and other particles to enter the system and are common in creating allergies, commonly known as “Leaky Gut”. Repairing the gut wall is essential for good health and proper digestion and assimilation. 

N-Acetyl Glucosamine: Supports the extracellular tissue surrounding intestinal epithelial cells, decreases the binding of some lectins and prevents damage to the intestinal lining. 

L-Glutamine: Glutamine is the transporter form which is converted to Glutamic Acid 'as needed' by the body. It is the main fuel that the intestinal cells need for maintenance and repair. It enhances the barrier function's ability to combat invaders. 

Vitamin C (Sago Palm): Vitamin C helps tissue rebuilding and is an antioxidant which protects the lining from free radical damage. 

Vitamin E Succinate (natural): Vitamin E is an antioxidant and thus helps protect the intestinal wall from oxidation. It also maintains the integrity of all lipid cell membranes. This substance is also an antioxidant. 

Lactobacillus Acidophillus: These are friendly bacteria that restore the establishment of colonies to offset bad bacteria and Candida which can inflame the intestinal lining. 

Zinc Chelate (elemental): Zinc is essential for proper immune system function. Zinc also helps in the repair of damaged tissue. 

Slippery Elm Bark (Ulmus Fulva): Slippery Elm is a soothing demulcent which cools inflamed mucous membranes and stimulates mucus secretions. GINGKO (Gingko biloba): Gingko is known for its effect on improving circulation which is essential to tissue repair. 

Deglycyrrhized Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis): Licorice stimulates circulation promoting healing. It is believed to increase the life of the intestinal cells and coordinates protective substances and other herbs in this formula. 

Ion Min Clay: Antiseptic clay that cools and soothes the smooth muscle in the intestines. 

Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthemum Tuberosus), Cat's Claw (Dolichos Filiformis) & Gingko Extract: are herbs to promote circulation and support the formula’s intended action. More… 

b      FLORA NORM 
A powerful 12-strain probiotic formula that helps restore and support normal bacterial flora in the intestinal tract. Probiotics are needed to support the growth and restoration of normal flora in the intestinal tract. Commonly needed when a person has undergone any antibiotic therapy. 

Contains a 12 Strain Probiotic Mix 5BUG/gm: Lactobacillus Plantrium, Lactobacillus Rhamnosusand, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Enterococcus Faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilius, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Helveticus, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Pediococcus Acidilactici & Streptococcus Thermophilus. Plus Apple Pectin & Rice powder. More… 

c       FLORA-VEGI Non-Milk 
Non-milk (non-diary) based probiotic. Supports the re-establishment of normal bacterial flora in the intestines, or more specifically the colon. This source is carrot based and is lactose free. 

Proprietary blend of a non-milk (no-dairy) based probiotics 4 bug/gm, Acidophilus (carrot source), and Apple Pectin. More… 

Designed to support proper digestion and support the body to relieve the pain of ulcers and aid the symptoms of indigestion, especially when accompanied by acidic/sulfur burps or heartburn. 

100% vegetable-based blend of enzymes supporting the digestive process. 

The enzymes found naturally in raw foods are easily destroyed by heat and are not available from cooked or processed food which composes over 90% of our diets. Enzymes are also destroyed by chemicals such as caffeine, alcohol, and drugs (prescription and OTC).  Many doctors, therefore, consider enzyme deficiency to be our #1 nutritional problem. This formula provides an acid-stable balanced mixture of enzymes from a controlled ferment of selected plants for optimum activity in human digestion; it contains no chemicals, preservatives, or milk products. 

Enzymes are the indispensable catalysts of all metabolism and they are the most difficult of all metabolic factors to obtain from our food. We live as long as our body generates enough enzymes to operate its metabolic machine therefore we need outside enzyme sources from foods and supplements to keep our internal reserve intact to protect our continued health and longevity. Our selection of quality vegetable enzymes for this product include consideration to (1) temperature of maximum activity level (2) variety of foods acted upon (3) measured activity level and (4) effective pH range. The enzymes in this product are of 100% vegetable source and have an effective pH range of 2.4 to 9.8. 

Amylase: a group of proteins found in saliva, pancreatic juices and parts of plants; helps to convert starch to sugar. 

Protease: an enzyme that conducts proteolysis, i.e., it begins the breakdown of food proteins. It is involved in a multitude of physiological reactions. 

Lipase: is the main enzyme responsible for breaking down fats in the human digestive system. 

Cellulase: is not produced in the body and is needed to optimize the energy contained in plant material. 

PLUS, varying amounts of maltase, oxidase, peroxidase, invertase & phosphatase as naturally associated with the above enzymes. Hypoallergenic - contains no chemicals, preservatives, or milk products. 

e      Digest Ease 
Supports stimulation of digestive organs. Activates and enhances digestive secretions and helps to tone the gastrointestinal tract. Also, supports a general reprogramming of the GI tract

Gentian Root (Gentiana Lutea): An herb broadly used for digestion. Gentian is bitter to taste, because the body responds to a bitter taste, its first response is increased saliva secretion, then neurological receptors respond through the brain to organs of digestion causing a reflex secretion of fluids in the stomach lining, pancreas and liver. This activity reaches the stomach for digestion and enhances digestive properties. Gentian is considered effective for dyspepsia, tonic conditions of the digestive tract and anorexia. It is an aid after prolonged illness, especially when fever and infection were present, to speed recovery though better digestion and assimilation. It is useful in gastritis and intestinal catarrh. If acute irritability and inflammation is present, Gentian may control gastric juices. Gentian also tends to increase circulation to the gastric system and promotes the appetite.

Bitter Orange Peel (Aurantium Amara Cortex): Again, the bitter flavor enhances the flow of digestive juices. This herb is also slightly pungent and has an aromatic quality that encourages increased circulation to the digestive tract. It also helps relieve cramping by relaxing the intestinal tract.

Cardamom Seed (Elettaria Cardamomum): Quite a bitter, but tasty herb with a very pungent taste similar to Orange Peel. Slightly diuretic, because of its aromatic oils, it is known as a carminative and aids flatulence and colic.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia)
: Aromatic oils and carminative qualities make Cinnamon a plus in digestive formulas and tannic acid in it reacts as an astringent. It also helps cleanse the mucus sludge from the intestinal tract.

Cloves (Caryophyllus Aromaticus): A carminative due to its aromatic oils. Cloves is a good flavoring agent, is slightly laxative, warming, and helps sweeten the digestive tract.  More… 

f.        LIPOZYMES 
Dandelion contains high levels of potassium, is a rich source of iron and vitamins, and, ounce for ounce, and contains more carotene than carrots. Dandelion leaves are a powerful diuretic. The roots act as a blood purifier that helps both the kidneys and the liver to remove toxins and poisons from the blood. The roots have been used for centuries to treat jaundice. Dandelion also acts as a mild laxative and improves appetite and digestion. Dandelion stimulates bile which is needed to digest fats.  

Vitamin C: Helps break down fats in the liver. 

Niacin: Aids in the metabolism and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and in the production of hydrochloric acid. Niacin lowers cholesterol, and other fats in the body including those in the liver. 

Biotin: Aids in cell growth, in fatty acid production, and in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 

Choline Bitartrate: A lipotropic* agent which is needed for nerve transmission, gallbladder regulation and liver function. It minimizes excess fat in the liver, aids in hormone production and is necessary in fat and cholesterol metabolism.

Methionine: A sulphur-bearing amino acid used therapeutically as a dietary supplement with lipotropic* action. 

Inositol: A lipotropic* agent which is vital for fat and cholesterol metabolism. It also helps remove fats from the liver. 

Dandelion Root: Dandelion stimulates bile which is needed to digest fats. 

Betaine HCL: A lipotropic* agent and a substitute for hydrochloric acid (HCL). 

Red Clover: Red Clover has many benefits for digestion and is commonly used for constipation and sluggish appetite. Red Clover tea stimulates liver and gallbladder activity to aid in digestion. More… 

g       INDIGEST 
Designed to support proper digestion and support the body to relieve the pain of ulcers and aid the symptoms of indigestion, especially when accompanied by acidic/sulfur burps or heartburn. Supports a return to healthy digestion regardless of whether symptoms are caused by a heavy protein meal, dysentery, milk poisoning or severe food poisoning. 

Fennel Seed (Anethium Foeniculum): Fennel fits well here due to its aromatic quality. It helps sweeten the intestinal tract. Its aromatic oils help increase circulation in the stomach and the intestinal tract, thereby serving to relax the muscles in that area and relieve cramping. Digestion is also aided by increasing healthy secretions in the intestinal tract and gall bladder.

Slippery Elm Bark (Ulma Fulva)
: Slippery Elm is a famous American folk herb used in the treatment of intestinal and stomach irritation by American pioneers and Native Americans. It is also very nutritive. It has been used for inflamed stomach and bowels. It has been used for treating diarrhea and also to soothe the pain of an ulcer. It is also used to stop prolonged vomiting.

Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea Villosa): Wild Yam is included because it’s an antispasmodic in the intestinal tract. It’s an antispasmodic to the gall bladder and the ileocecal valve. It’s included because it relieves spasmodic cramping in the stomach and down the intestinal tract. It also supports the adrenal glands due to plant steroids it contains.

Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
: Licorice Root is soothing as it is somewhat mucilaginous. Evidence indicates that licorice is very healing for ulcers and it is a tonic to the adrenal glands. It helps calm people who lead a stressful life. Many times this is a symptom and cause of ulcers.

Ion Mineral Clay
: Has the ability to absorb a large amount of toxic gases and acids. It is also mucilaginous and therefore soothing to the stomach lining and intestinal tract. It is antiseptic and it also aids in the removal of undesirable material from the digestive tract. More… 

Natural Digestive Support Products 
In Health, 
Naturally Botanicals Team 

Monday, September 24, 2012

5 Common Digestive Issues


Support for Your Body Naturally… 

Digestive Disorders
The digestive system is an intricate system that can be disrupted by disease, diet, and emotional stress. Digestive problems can include gas pains, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, protein metabolism, and poor appetite. Common digestive problems such as heartburn/GERD, IBD, and IBS cause millions of Americans to suffer daily and limit quality of life.

  1.  Indigestion Also known as dyspepsia, indigestion is marked by a feeling of abdominal discomfort after a meal. Key symptoms include pain or a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

  2.  Causes of Indigestion Indigestion is often caused by overeating, eating too quickly, or consuming an excess of greasy or spicy foods. Certain emotional issues, such as stress or anxiety, can also trigger indigestion. 

    Indigestion may be particularly common among individuals with the following conditions:
    gastro esophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcers, abnormality of the pancreas or bile ducts, gastritis, pancreatitis, gallstones, and people taking antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

  3. Symptoms of Indigestion While abdominal discomfort following a meal is the hallmark of indigestion, other symptoms may include: mild to severe pain or burning in the epigastric area (located between the lower end of the chest bone and the navel), bloating, nausea and belching.

  4. Heartburn Ever had heartburn? This occurs when this sphincter isn't working properly and stomach acid manages to splash into the esophagus. If this happens chronically, you might have Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD.

  5. Leaky Gut Syndrome The lining of the intestines is a barrier that normally only allows properly digested fats, proteins, and starches to pass through and enter the bloodstream. It allows substances to pass in several ways. 

Chloride, potassium, magnesium, sodium and free fatty acids diffuse through intestinal cells. Amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, minerals, and vitamins also cross through cells, but they do it by another mechanism called active transport.

There's a third way substances can pass through. The spaces in between the cells that line the intestines are normally sealed. These tight junctions are called desmosomes. When the intestinal lining becomes irritated, the junctions loosen and allow unwanted larger molecules in the intestines to pass through into the blood. These unwanted substances are seen by the immune system as foreign (because they aren't normally present in blood). This triggers an antibody reaction.

When the intestinal lining becomes further damaged, even larger substances, such as disease-causing bacteria, undigested food particles, and toxins, pass directly through the damaged cells. Again, the immune system is alarmed and antibodies and substances called cytokines are released. Cytokines alert white blood cells to fight the particles. This fight produces oxidants, which cause irritation and inflammation throughout the body.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome / Intestinal Permeability

Symptoms include: abdominal pain, asthma, chronic joint pain, chronic muscle pain, confusion, fuzzy or foggy thinking, gas, indigestion, mood swings, nervousness, poor immunity, recurrent vaginal infections, skin rashes, diarrhea, recurrent bladder infections, poor memory, shortness of breath, constipation, bloating, anxiety, fatigue, and feeling toxic.

Leaky gut syndrome is associated with the following conditions: autoimmune disease, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, hives, acne, allergies, inflammatory joint disease / arthritis, intestinal infections, pancreatic insufficiency, ulcerative colitis, giardia, chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, psoriasis, liver dysfunction, food allergies and sensitivities, rheumatoid arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome. Click here to learn more about a Natural Leaky Gut Formula.

Read complete article

Natural Digestive Support Products 
In Health, 
Naturally Botanicals Team 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

7 Working Parts of Your Digestive System


Support for Your Body Naturally… 

Is your stomach the only organ involved 
in the digestion of your food? 

The answer is no. The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that process food. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste.

Food provides us with fuel to live, energy to be active, and the raw materials to build new cells. All the different varieties of food we eat are broken down by our digestive system and transported to every part of our body by our circulatory system.

How the Digestive System Works 

Our digestive system is an approximately 30 foot long tube. The digestive process begins in the mouth, where the teeth and tongue break up the food after it has been softened with saliva. The food is then swallowed and travels down the esophagus to the stomach.

While the food is in the stomach, it is mixed with a mild acid which breaks the food down into a paste similar to porridge, called Chyme. The food then passes, a little at a time, into the small intestine, which is roughly 18 feet long. Here the food is broken down even further until it is small enough to pass through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. Food that cannot be digested passes into the large intestine, where the water and minerals are absorbed into the blood stream. The solid waste is then expelled from the body. The digestive tract also functions as an immune organ, serving as a protective barrier to ingested toxins, allergens, and pathogens (bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi) that could otherwise cause disease.

Parts of the Digestive System 

  • The Mouth: The process of digestion begins with chewing. Chewing breaks up food into smaller pieces that can be swallowed without choking. The salivary glands secrete a mucous solution into the mouth that moistens and lubricates food particles. Saliva contains amylase, an enzyme that begins to digest carbohydrates. As food particles begin to dissolve, they react with the chemoreceptors in the mouth, giving rise to the sensation of taste. 
  • Esophagus: Once food is in the esophagus, involuntary muscle contractions called peristalsis push it toward the stomach. At the end of the esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter lets the food into the stomach. It opens and then quickly closes to keep the food from escaping back into the esophagus. 
  • Stomach: In the stomach, the food begins its preparation for the small intestine. Glands in the stomach secrete acid, enzymes and a mucous that coats and protects the stomach from its own acids and prevents ulcers. The stomach's smooth muscles contract about every 20 seconds, stirring up the acid and enzymes and turning your food into chyme. But some foods just can't be reduced to chyme and remain a pasty, solid substance that is released into the small intestine in a process that takes more than an hour. Some food, however, can be out of the stomach in a mere 20 minutes. 
  • Duodenum: Your now unidentifiable food squirts into the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. The breakdown process continues with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver. Again, peristalsis helps mix up these juices. The next small intestine section is the coiled jejunum, followed by the ileum, which leads straight to the large intestine. These two sections absorb nutrients and water more than they break down food. 
  • Small Intestine: The small intestine has a smaller circumference than the large intestine, but it's actually the longer of the two sections -- it has the surface area of a tennis court! You may wonder how all this fits into your body. The answer is simple: The surface of the small intestine has many tight folds that can absorb nutrients and water -- they greatly increase the surface area. These folds are covered with villi, or tiny projections that have even smaller microvilli on them. Villi and microvilli have affinities for specific nutrients. That means that several different kinds of villi will grab the nutrients, electrolytes and dietary molecules in your food (for example carbohydrates, protein, sodium, calcium, and vitamins.). The absorbed nutrients move through the wall of the intestines and into blood vessels that take them throughout the body. 
  • Large Intestine: Once all the nutrients are extracted from the food, the indigestible parts are transported into the large intestine. The large intestine absorbs extra fluid to produce solid waste. To move the waste, the colon uses the same involuntary muscular movements called peristalsis. Unlike the stomach and small intestines, though, whose movements take a matter of hours, it takes days for waste to move through the large intestine. The waste moves at a pace of about 1/3 of an inch per hour.  The large intestine is often referred to as the colon. 
  • Colon: Also known as the large intestines, the colon has four sections: ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid. In the first two sections, salts and fluids are absorbed from the indigestible food. Billions of bacteria that normally live in the colon help to ferment and absorb substances like fiber. While these tracts absorb, they also produce mucus that helps the solid waste move easily through the descending colon and into the third part of the large intestine, through the sigmoid section and finally on to the rectum where the fecal matter is stored before it leaves the body. 
          Read complete article
Natural Digestive Support Products 
In Health, 
Naturally Botanicals Team 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer...Natural Alternatives When Sports Injuries Occur

WHEN SPORTS INJURIES OCCUR….there are natural alternatives to help the body repair naturally and quickly.

Sprains and Strains
A sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament, the band of connective tissues that joins the end of one bone with another.  Sprains are caused by trauma such as a fall or blow to the body that knocks a joint out of position and, in the worst case, ruptures the supporting ligaments.  Areas of the body most vulnerable to sprains are ankles, knees, and wrists.  Signs of a sprain include tenderness or pain; bruising; inflammation; swelling; inability to move a limb or joint.

A strain is a twist, pull, or tear of a muscle or tendon, a cord of tissue connecting muscle to bone. It is an acute, noncontact injury that results from overstretching or over-contraction.  Symptoms of a strain include pain, muscle spasm, and loss of strength.  Strains not treated immediately can cause damage and loss of function.

Knee Injuries
Because of its complex structure and weight-bearing capacity, the knee is the most commonly injured joint. Each year, more than 5.5 million people visit doctors for knee problems.  Knee injuries can result from a blow to or twist of the knee; from improper landing after a jump; or from running too hard, too much, or without proper warm up.

Shin Splints
Although the term "shin splints" has been widely used to describe any sort of leg pain associated with exercise, the term actually refers to pain along the tibia or shin bone, the large bone in the front of the lower leg. Shin splints are primarily seen in runners, particularly those just starting a running program.  Risk factors for shin splints include overuse or incorrect use of the lower leg; improper stretching, warm up, or exercise technique; overtraining; running or jumping on hard surfaces; and running in shoes that don't have enough support.

Enduring Pain is Not the Answer 
When injure or pain occurs, most of us try to “push through the pain.”  We continue working out and playing summer sports.  We endure the pain and pop a couple of over-the-counter pain pills rather than taking positive steps to repair the joint and tissue damage, reduce inflammation and pain.  After all, isn’t it easier to take a quick trip to the drugstore and grab some ibuprofen? While taking pain killers provides temporary relief, it is simply the wrong approach for long term relief and ultimate healing.

Taking Over-The-Counter Pain Medication is Not the Answer 
Taking over-the-counter pain medication provides only short term relief to a long term problem!
Since pain goes hand in hand with joint injury and inflammation, the most common approach is to take aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen or one of the family of drugs known as NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).  What is often not realized is that the relief provided by these drugs comes at a very high price.  Over time, they all can have dangerous and possibly even health threatening consequences. Prolonged use is not recommended.  There are natural alternatives you can use instead.

Old Fashioned Remedies Work 
What to do with an injured joint?  The old fashioned remedies still work. Ice, elevate, and immobilize the joint.   Elevate, whenever possible, to relieve the swelling; and wrap in an ace bandage to secure the joint to provide support and prevent additional injury or trauma to the joint and damaged tissues. Keep the injury iced for as long as possible. Icing the injury helps reduce tissue inflammation caused by the injury, which in turn reduces swelling, which then reduces the pain.  It is the inflammation and the swelling that causes the pain. Anytime inflammation and swelling are reduced, pain is reduced.

Repair the Problem 
So, when summer injuries occur and pain, swelling and inflammation are present, get to the root of the problem.  Allow the body to heal.  Don’t just mask the symptoms with pain killers.  Support your body’s own natural healing process by using natural sources to reduce inflammation and swelling, which ultimately reduces pain.  There are many natural source products and ingredients that have been used successfully for many, many years.   Many of these natural ingredients, such as glucosamine and chondroitin have long been used to repair and improve joint tissues and cartilage.  While others, such as valerian root, white willow bark, quercetin, and bromelain are often used for their natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.  A combination of Serrapeptase + Prozyme with SPR Oil provides a highly effective immediate relief remedy for acute injury.  Ligatone/Disc Support paired with Glucosamine CL non-sodium offers a powerful long term regenerative combination.  Try some natural alternatives to support the body in healing as assumed to just masking the symptoms. Click here to see more.

In Health,
Naturally Botanicals Team
Feel Better the Natural Way!