Reposted April 29, 2014 | Posted April 23, 2014 at 3:18 pm
by Derek Henry – Natural News
With thousands of toxins circulating in the world it can be very easy to become overwhelmed. Formerly nutritious foods have been denatured to the point that they have very little benefit, and air and water have become dangerously polluted. These are 5 toxins to be especially concerned about.
Heavy metals
Heavy metals are not something that people should normally concern themselves about with regards to food, air, water, and personal care products. Unfortunately, that is not the current situation. Common exposure points to heavy metals include seafood, dental amalgams, vaccinations, personal care products, pots and pans, baking powder, smoke, paint, water, work sites, and chem trails. These deadly toxins can immediately wreak havoc, causing chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, headaches, depression, skin problems, insomnia, paralysis, and more.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are foods that have been created by gene-splicing vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides, herbicides, and bacteria so plants are inherently protected from pests that may try to damage them. With 85 percent of all corn, soy, and canola oil being GMO and the fact that they are some of the most heavily consumed food products on the planet, people find themselves with a major problem. Add in sugar beets, cotton, and other popular grains which may be contaminated or are on the agenda to become GMO (wheat, rice), and there is a nutritional apocalypse in the making. As a result of this engineered process, consumers are essentially consuming toxic seeds laced with chemicals that are known to mutate cells of the body, resulting in tumors and other forms of cancer.
There are a few forms of radiation, but the most deadly that are currently polluting the planet are cesium-137 and electromagnetic radiation. With recent radiation tests done by county officials on the shores of California showing a 500 percent increase in radiation, it is now widely believed by experts that cesium-137 has entered the food chain so any seafood caught in the Pacific ocean is very suspect of significant contamination. However, that is not as widespread a concern as electromagnetic radiation. With the omnipresence of wifi signals, cell phones, TVs, computers, and microwaves this type of radiation is nearly impossible to avoid. On May 31, 2013, the World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer issued a report admitting that cell phones might indeed cause cancer, classifying EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Class 2B).
Xenoestrogens, or man made estrogen mimicking molecules, are a very common toxin found intertwined in day-to-day life. The most common places they can be found include plastic containers, lining of canned food, Styrofoam cups and containers, cosmetics and toiletries, and agricultural chemicals. These hormone disruptors can cause all kinds of hormone related issues including poor sleep, energy, and libido, as well as hormonal related cancers such as breast, ovary, and prostate cancer.
Artificial sweeteners
The drum has been beaten for quite some time on the dangers of artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose (Splenda), but that hasn’t stopped many people from consuming the products that contain it. It is found in diet sodas, yogurt, chewing gum, cooking sauces, tabletop sweeteners, flavored water, cereals, and sugar free products. Aspartame is combination of chemicals, namely aspartic acid (an amino acid with excitatory effects on brain cells), methanol and phenylalanine and scientists are placing it at the higher end of the range of what is considered toxic. Ninety different symptoms have been documented as a result of aspartame consumption, including anxiety attacks, slurred speech, fatigue, depression, migraines, tinnitus, vertigo, heart palpitations, nausea, and muscle spasms.
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